provjera trstenika

Checking peat moss transplants and renewing markers on sample plots

Prospekt Interesting facts

Photo 1. This year’s first visit to Trstenik Mire has shown that the peat
mosses transplanted last autumn have survived the winter and are continuing
to grow in all sample plots


The employees of the Natural History Museum of Rijeka
and the Public Institution Priroda visited Trstenik Mire near Klana on
9 June and 21 June. The aim of the first visit was to establish the extent
to which the peat mosses, transplanted onto eight sample plots, had taken
hold. The peat moss was transplanted last autumn to the sample plots from
the drainage canals where the most abundant remaining clusters of peat
moss are currently growing (regular reports on previous major activities
on the mire have been posted on the Priroda Web pages). We established
that peat mosses in all sample plots have survived the winter and are
continuing to grow.
The aim of the second visit to the mire was to locate all sample plots
on the four existing transects and check if plot markers were intact.
Any missing plot markers were replaced. We also measured the water level
of the mire by using the pipes, which were earlier installed for monitoring
the level of free ground water, as well as by using the piezometric nests.
The next visit, as part of a multi-annual project to monitor the condition
of the mire, is planned for early July.

Photo 2. In one of the sample plots, the shoots of peat moss are protruding
through the dry-grass covering that provided protection through the winter