Natura 2000 in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Natura 2000 is the ecological network of the European Union important for preservation of threatened species and habitat types.
By the Regulation on the ecological network the ecological network of the Republic of Croatia was established which is at the same time considered as Natura 2000 areas.
The ecological network consists in:
- Special Protection Areas for the Conservation od Wild Birds (SPA) – areas significant for conservation and achieving favourable conservation status of wild bird species of interest for the European Union, as well as their habitats, and areas significant for conservation of migratory bird species, in particular wetlands of international importance, and
- Special Areas of Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (SAC) – areas significant for conservation and achieving favourable conservation status of other wild species and their habitats, as well as natural habitat types of interest for the European Union.