NORTHERN GOSHAWK RESCUED FROM BRODOKOMERC WAREHOUSE AT KUKULJANOVO On Thursday, 6 November 2014 at 11 a.m. the rangers of PI “Priroda” responded to a report from Brodokomerc warehouse workers at Kukuljanovo regarding a bird of prey trapped for two days in one of the warehouses. According to the workers, on Tuesday morning the goshawk flew into the warehouse through the main gate while chasing pigeons. The workers assumed the bird would fly out the same way it flew in, but because of the many vehicles going in and out of the warehouse, the goshawk probably thought the safest place for it was high up on the pipes of the air-conditioning system. Frightened by all the activity, it flew repeatedly from one end of the warehouse to the other, occasionally hitting the glass of the roof windows. With the help of the workers, A. Radalj, a licenced bird-ringer of the Institute of Ornithology, set up a mist net to capture the bird. Shortly, the goshawk was caught in the net and an examination confirmed it was in good condition. The bird was then ringed and set free in the local woods. The northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) is a bird of prey with short, broad wings and a long tail. These features mean it is adapted to manoeuvring between tree tops. It lives and nests in forests where it hunts birds and mammals, relying on its speed and agility in flying between branches. Its most important prey includes pigeons, doves and passerines. The goshawk has a powerful hunting instinct, and young, inexperienced birds have been known to sustain injuries from crashing into windows and balcony railings when hunting in populated areas. The Nature Protection Act classifies the northern goshawk as a strictly protected species and should you come across a wounded bird you are required to notify the State Institute for Nature Protection using the reporting and monitoring system provided on its Web site Text by Patrik Krstinić Photos by Marko Modrić |