Vuk Niki - uspavana radi pregleda

Female wolf, niki, equipped with tracking collar

Prospekt Fauna


On 21 August 2010, while studying wolves in Gorski Kotar,
Dr. Josip Kusak of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Zagreb equipped
a female wolf of the Suho pack with a GPS tracking collar. Two and a half
years old and weighing 31 kilograms, the wolf was designated W25-Niki.
In recent years, researchers of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine have
been studying the wolf populations of Croatia, Gorski Kotar included.
There are some six to seven wolf packs in Gorski Kotar, and the territories
of four packs extend into neighbouring countries and into Slovenia as
well. The wolf population of Gorski Kotar displays a stable trend. If
fate is on this wolf’s side, we can hope to gather lots of useful data
from its tracker.