Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first legal protection of croatia's geological heritage and the international year of planet earth

Prospekt News

Fig. 1. This natural stone bridge on the slope of Kameniti Vrh is located
near the walking path that links the geological attractions of the Forest
Parks “Japlenški Vrh” and “Golubinjak”.


The Public Institution Priroda, in collaboration with
the Tourist Board of the Town of Delnice and the Municipality of Lokve,
is planning a series of activities in 2008 – the International Year of
Planet Earth – and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of protection
provided to the renowned geological and paleological site Hušnjakovo near
Krapina, which has achieved international fame from the research of the
remains of the Krapina prehistoric man by the geologist Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger.
It is a little known fact that in the month of November (22 November 2008)
it will be 60 years since Hušnjakovo, the Krapina Neanderthal site, was
proclaimed the first paleological natural monument in Croatia. This important
anniversary coincides with the celebration of the International Year of
Planet Earth. To celebrate this occasion, the Primorsko-Goranska County
intends to conduct the following activities linked to protecting, preserving
and interpreting our geological heritage:

  • The Public Institution Priroda is involved in the GEO-Park project
    on the island of Rab that is headed by the geologists of HAZU (Croatian
    Academy of Sciences and Art). As part of the project, a geological garden
    is under construction on the Lopar peninsula: geological educational
    trails will be laid out, geo-lookouts put in place, and explanations
    provided at selected geological points in an effort to make events of
    the geological past clearer to visitors.
    Planned deadline: the project is in progress.
  • Two information panels on the features of the Lopar peninsula will
    be erected on access roads to this protected landscape. This project
    is also linked to the GEO-Park project currently underway on the island
    of Rab.
    Planned deadline for the information panels is early June 2008.
  • Educational trails will be laid out in the Forest Park “Japlenški
    Vrh” near Delnice and two instructive panels (out of a total of
    six), erected that will be about the geological heritage of Japlenški
    Vrh: the first panel is entitled “How did Japlenški Vrh come by
    its name?” and the second, “The geology of Japlenški Vrh”.
    Planned deadline: end June 2008.
  • A walking path will be opened that will connect two protected karst
    areas: the Forest Park “Japlenški Vrh” and the Forest Park
    “Golubinjak”. This path has several interesting geological
    points, alongside which instructive panels will be placed:

    – Panel 1 – “Sobol’s Limekiln in Lučice” (in a recent drive
    organised by the Tourist Board of Delnice, the limekiln and its surroundings
    were cleared of brush and forest vegetation that had completely overgrown
    it). There are plans to reconstruct the limekiln.
    – Panel 2 – “Kamerkin Dol – a deep karst sinkhole – and a natural
    stone bridge (fig. 1) with a cave on the slopes of Kameniti Vrh near
    – Panel 3 – Information panel at the entrance to the Lokvarka Cave –
    a protected geomorphological natural monument

    Plans for the future involve the further development of this project
    into a “Karst Park” which would link the valuable and interesting
    geological features of the Forest Park “Golubinjak” (the ice-pit
    cave, stone bridge, sinkholes, cliffs), the Hirčeva Cave, the Lokvarka
    Cave, the sinkhole “Kamerkin Dol”, the Medvjeđa Cave near
    Lokve, the natural stone bridge (fig. 1) and other karst features in
    the vicinity of Lokve and Delnice.
    Planned deadline for the walking path and instructive panels: Autumn
    2008. In part, the deadline will depend upon the results of the bidding
    for the project “Theme trails – Theme Highland Trail: the Delnice
    Round Trail/Hiking and Walking through the Protected Natural Heritage
    of Delnice and Lokve” for which the Delnice Tourist Board has submitted
    a proposal to the Ministry of Agriculture.

  • Works will be undertaken to completely renovate the infrastructure
    of the Lokvarka Cave – a protected geomorphological natural monument
    and one of the first natural monuments to be granted protection in Croatia
    (since 1961!)
    Planned deadline: renovation should be completed by the end of 2008.
    However, because of the scope of work involved, it is not certain whether
    it will be possible to keep all the deadlines and have the cave open
    to visitors in 2008.