Photo 1. Red peat moss (Sphagnum capillifolium) and alpine polytrichastrum moss (Polytrichum alpinum) are vital in maintaining bog physiognomy and oligotrophic conditions in the Trstenik Mire, as they form compact tussocks that rise above the bog’s surface. The objective of monitoring is to identify patterns of change in the abundance of these mosses (and other species, as well). The aim of transplanting several species of peat moss is to increase their share in the bog’s vegetation.
ROUTINE MONITORING AT TRSTENIK MIRE On 9 and 10 July, employees of the Rijeka Natural History Museum and the Public Institution Priroda carried out routine monitoring activities at Trstenik Mire near Klana. A primary objective of monitoring, planned on a multi-annual basis, is to record and identify the number and coverage of all plant species (located in sample plots along four radial transects in the central area of the mire) so as to derive a pattern regarding change. Other objectives are to determine the extent to which the mowing of purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea) is helpful in revitalising the bog (only half of the sample plots are mowed), as well as the extent to which the transplantation of peat moss in sample plots has been successful (at present, carried out in only nine plots in transect A). Because this is a multi-annual project, it is necessary to register parameters and data at approximately the same time every year and to mow the purple moor grass. Up to date, monitoring results have shown the mowing of purple moor grass to be a successful method. In sample plots in which the grass is routinely removed, it has been observed that the purple moor grass is retreating and its coverage is considerably less than at the beginning of the project, although the surviving specimens seem to be forming denser tussocks (the number of individual shoots per tussock has increased). Peat moss was experimentally transplanted three years ago on nine (micro) plots (peat moss was taken from the drainage canals where the richest clusters in the entire bog are currently growing). The transplants have survived three winters and the dry periods of two summers and continue to grow on all nine sample plots. The data from monitoring activities up to date suggests that peat moss transplantation could be one of the more successful methods of bog revitalisation. |