Prospekt News

Photo 1. The exhausted griffon vulture huddling on a cliff in the northern reserve (Photo by Daria Martinčić)

Yet another griffon vulture rescued

In the afternoon of Tuesday, 13 September 2016, yet another young griffon vulture was rescued and immediately transferred to our Recovery Centre for griffon vultures at Beli.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Mario Sintić, a seasoned rescuer of these magnificent birds, for finding the bird. Mr. Sintić spotted it on a small beach below a cliff within the ornithological reserve Fojiška-Pod Predošćica and brought it to Beli by boat, where he handed it over to Daria Martinčić, a worker at the Centre.  This is currently the fifth griffon vulture being cared for at the Recovery Centre, which is part of the Beli Visitor Centre.

The griffon vulture is now in the aviary of the Recovery Centre and we hope it will recover quickly and be returned to the wild soon. Being colonial birds, griffon vultures are very sociable, so the newly-arrived bird is sure to enjoy the good company of the other vultures at Beli until his release.

Because griffon vultures nest on cliffs overlooking the sea, it often happens that young birds fall into the sea on their first flight. Some manage to climb out of the sea and on to a rock but are too exhausted to fly away. Unfortunately, if not rescued, they die.


 Marko Modrić