Winter in Gorski Kotar is the best time to go looking for tracks of large carnivores, the wolf and the lynx in particular. All you need is a bit of snow to whiten the forest roads and pathways; take a car so that you can cover as much ground as possible. Before setting off, wait at least one night or 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling to give the animals enough time to move about and leave fresh tracks.
When following wolf tracks, in addition to observing paw prints in the snow, we might also find spots that they have marked (with their urine or scat, or by scratching the ground) or we might even find the remains of their prey. If you want to be sure how many wolves there were, you should follow the tracks for some distance because wolves tend to walk single-file, especially in deep snow, each wolf stepping into the track of the wolf in front of it.