klanac triget

Pi "priroda" workers recognise and assess the natural values of the triget gorge on krk island

Prospekt News


The Triget Gorge is the most striking canyon-like depression
with a torrent, dropping headlong from the slopes of the Diviška hills
into the sea in Jasenova Cove. This unique, natural geomorphologic phenomenon
is located within the protected area of the ornithological reserve Glavina
– Mala Luka (Kuntrep). A brief tour lasting only a few hours was enough
to convince the “Priroda” workers and the president of the Mountaineer
Society “Obzova” of the exceptional landscape and aesthetical
values, as well as natural-history values that lie hidden in this hard-to-access
corner of the ornithological reserve.

During our visit, we noticed a substantial number of
griffon vultures flying overhead, as well as some other petrophile species
of birdlife on the very crags of the canyon. Plantlife is also exceptionally
vaulable and rich; this can partially be attributed to the fact that not
even sheep are capable of reaching some of the canyon’s rocky spots and
steep ledges. We also observed fairly large communities of Sesleria juncifolia,
a mountain grass that descends to a very low altitude – almost to the
shoreline – and gives the vegetation an importance in terms of relictness.
In the leas and in rock crevices, several interesting and lovely endemic
plants were in full bloom (Adriatic violet, madwort), while only leaves
of others were visible (Dalmatian knapweed, Istrian bellflower).

This abundance of biological diversity has managed to
survive to this day thanks to the fact that the canyon is difficult to
reach and not easy to pass through. Two informative panels have been placed
at the entrances to the ornithological reserve reminding visitors of how
to behave in this protected area. Regardless of this however, we take
this opportunity to urge all visitors, when in the reserve or its vicinity,
to respect the aims of nature protection while indulging in their personal
wishes for experiences and, even, adventure in the outdoors.

We need to give the “wilderness” a chance for
natural processes to evolve unimpeded! Within the ornithological reserve,
it would be inappropriate to build new hiking paths or mark trails, and,
in particular, to mount pegs and steel cables (equipped like a “via
ferrata”), as this would surely result in mass visitation.

We kindly ask all mountaineers and visitors to adhere
to the rules of conduct within the ornithological reserve and other protected
areas, as well as in areas belonging to the National Ecological Network
(of which, perhaps, far too little is known in Croatia). However, should
they deem it necessary to build and mark mountain-climbing or hiking trails,
we urge them, first, to contact the Public Institution “Priroda”,
in charge of protected areas in the Primorsko-Goranska County (or in areas
outside of the Primorsko-Goranska County, to contact other relevant public
institutions before embarking upon such activities). This should become
“good practice”, because despite their best intentions, and
not being knowledgeable of individual natural values, mountaineers have
been known to cause damage to or even bring about the destruction of such
natural assets by building and marking trails.