Prospekt News

Photo 1. The workshop was held at Menkova Pond near the village of Poljica.


On Friday, 23 October, the pupils of the sixth and seventh grade of Vrh Regional School took part in an educational field workshop titled “Ponds: Valuable Aquatic Biotopes”. The workshop was organised and conducted by Public Institution “Priroda”, in collaboration with the Town of Krk, as part of the Project for the Conservation and Promotion of Aquatic Biotopes – Ponds and Marsh Pools – For the Future (Project LOKNA) financed through the Operational Programme of Slovenia-Croatia Cross-border Cooperation 2007-2013. In the workshop, the pupils learned about the plant and animal species that depend upon these small aquatic habitats that occur naturally or are made by people. In a karst terrain where water is a true treasure, our forefathers worked hard to create ponds in places where rainwater did not drain away through the soil. They used these ponds for irrigating crops, watering livestock, putting out fires and, sometimes, for drinking. The workshop succeeded in arousing in the young researchers a great interest in the plant and animal life of ponds. This can be seen as a good assurance for the future and for the conservation of these valuable habitats.

After four hours of diligent work, it was time to move on to the local indigenous konoba to enjoy home-made food in a setting “from the past”, where the children shared their impressions of the workshop and eagerly talked about the new things they had learned.

Photo 2. In the workshop, the pupils made use of a multi-parameter water quality meter, a sophisticated device procured for the LOKNA project.

Photo 3. A special workbook was designed for the workshop.

Photo 4. One of the tasks was to observe with a magnifying glass the structures of the tiny organisms that live in the pond and then make a drawing of them in the workbook.


Conservation and Promotion of Aquatic Biotopes – Ponds and Marsh Pools – For the Future – LOKNA

The aim of the Project for the Conservation and Promotion of Aquatic Biotopes – Ponds and Marsh Pools – For the Future (Project LOKNA) is the conservation and revitalisation of aquatic biotopes (ponds on Krk Island and marsh pools in the Ljubljana Marsh) through a joint cross-border approach to valorising, taking inventories of, revitalising and promoting aquatic biotopes.

Sunčica Strišković

This is the link to the Internet page of the 2007-2013 Slovenia-Croatia Operational Programme: