A CHILDREN’S GUIDE TO WEATHER FORECASTING The end of 2014 will mark the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The Decade’s primary goal was to enable people to identify contemporary sustainability issues at regional as well as global levels, to assess those issues and to actively participate in processes that develop and shape the present and the future. On the occasion of World Meteorological Day, we posted “A Children’s Guide to Meteorological Phenomena”, written by our young associates Ana and Nina (see: www.ju-priroda.hr/kutak.asp?id=5kutak/suradnja-sa-skolama/5-meteoroloski-dan.html). Our aim was to encourage an exploratory spirit, curiosity, and interdisciplinary approach, and respect for the natural resources of our planet, together with other values promoted in the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Climate change, which has also become more and more pronounced in our country, goes hand in hand with extreme weather conditions (recall this year’s ice storm in Gorski Kotar!) and meteorologists predict that climate change will have an increasingly stronger effect both on the youth of today and on the generations to come. Encouraging young people to observe and predict change is part of the efforts made in education for sustainable development. Here we bring you the sequel to the first guide, in which you will find indications and signs to help you forecast the weather (see: Dječji priručnik za predviđanje vremenskih prilika).