A fairly large number of torrent tributaries flow into the Rječina River, as do the runlets of numerous springs found near the river bed… they contribute significantly to the power of the Rječina River during heavy rainfall and snowmelt in the mountains…
Vrutki Spring near Opatija
Fig 1. Vrutki Spring near Opatija (foto: M. Randić) The small Vrutki Spring nestles on the right side of the bed of a torrential stream …
Meraška Pit on Cres Island
Meraška Pit is located not far from the ferry dock of Merag on Cres Island. Its size makes it an impressive geomorphological phenomenon, one of the rare collapse dolines on the island. Its special micro climate supports remarkable plant and animal life…
Kapitov Dol
At the bottom of Kapitov Dol, the loveliest karst sinkhole in Viškovo Municipality, lies Kapitovac, a pond (kalić in the local dialect) that never runs dry…
Large boulders at the base of the summit of Mt Učka
Photo 1. A group of large boulders above Vela Učka (Photo by M. Randić) Large boulders at the base of the summit of Mt Učka …
"Leopard spots" in Lokvarka Cave
Photo 1. A vermiculation resembling leopard spots on a wall in Lokvarka Cave (Photo from the archives of P.I. “Priroda”) “Leopard spots” in Lokvarka Cave …
Photo 1. The entrance to Druška Peć Cave below Mt Učka. Situated on the southern slopes of the torrent-carved depression of Mošćenička Draga, the cave …
Photo 1. Today, the bottom of Velo Snižno, a glaciokarst basin not far from Platak in the Rijeka hinterland, is covered with Pleistocene deposits. At …
Slika 1. Dno glaciokrške uvale Velo Snižno nedaleko Platka u zaleđu Rijeke danas je prekriveno pleistocenskim taložinama, a tijekom pojedinih dijelova pleistocena ova je udolina …
Glacial valley
Photo 1. Glacial U-shaped valley in the hinterland of Gumance above Klana Glacial valley Traces of the action of bygone glaciers can still be seen …