Guljanov dolac - krošnja

Report on protected oak trees in guljanov dolac

Prospekt Flora

Photo 1. The base of the old oak is overgrown with underbrush, blocking
a view of the remarkable trunk of this protected natural monument


On 5 May 2011, in celebration of the International Year
of Forests and the upcoming 600th anniversary of the first written mention
of the name Crikvenica, the representatives of the “Strilež”
Mountaineering Society of Crikvenica, together with the representatives
of Public Institution “Priroda”, visited the protected oak trees
in Guljanov Dolac not far from the old, historical settlement of Kotor
near Crikvenica. The visit aimed to identify the action needed in protecting
and promoting the oaks and the area of Kotor Hill.

The two old downy oak trees (Quercus pubescens) in Guljanov
Dolac are probably the oldest specimens of their kind in the Crikvenica
region (their age is estimated at about 400 and 350 years!). Although
it is likely that other old oak trees exist in the broader area, the care
and the efforts of the Society of the Crikvenica Townspeople have saved
the Guljanov Oaks from oblivion. Since 2002, they have been protected
in the category of natural monuments (act establishing protection: Official
Gazette No. 3/02 and 6/02).

Due to neglect, Guljanov Dolac is overgrown with underbrush,
making the protected oak specimens difficult to spot in the landscape.
While our visit established that the surrounding underbrush does not affect
the condition of the oaks, eliminating part of the underbrush would make
the beauty and appeal of the oaks more visible. This dovetails with the
plan of valorising the Kotor Hill area in tourism purposes in the future.
It was agreed that, once the area surrounding the trees was cleared, information
boards would be set up informing tourists about the protected oaks and
providing other interesting facts of the area’s natural assets. In addition,
it would be beneficial for a tree surgeon to examine the health condition
of the ‘younger’ oak, as we noticed that the top of its crown and part
of its branches were dry. Joint action will be taken by the Town of Crikvenica,
the Crikvenica Tourist Board, the Society of Crikvenica Townspeople, the
Mountaineering Society “Strilež”, the Kotor Chair of the Chakavian
Assembly, the Town Museum of Crikvenica and the Public Institution “Priroda”.
Updates on activities will be posted on the Web pages of PI “Priroda”.

Photo 2. The trunk of the older oak tree branches off into two parts