Heavy rain or the rapid melting of snow produces a number of torrential streams that swiftly flow down the slopes of the Obruč mountain cluster. Very interesting from a natural-science perspective, these torrents have carved gullies of differing width, depth and relief features…
In some countries bird-watchers number in the tens of thousands and their sightings have made it easier for ecologists to reconstruct some of the lesser-known patterns in nature, such as the cycles of small mammals in boreal regions…
Grassland on the burnjaks of grobnik mountains
Photo 1. Typical habitat of the association Campanulo marchesettii-Seslerietum prov. on a mountain ridge exposed to the bura wind beneath Mali Platak (Photo by M. …
An intriguing species of woodpecker discovered in the pakleno region on obruč mountain
Sl. 1. Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus), foto: Andrej Radalj AN INTRIGUING SPECIES OF WOODPECKER DISCOVERED IN THE PAKLENO REGION ON OBRUČ MOUNTAIN Old-growth forests with …
Tracks in the snow
Photo 1. The track of a lynx in the Obruč mountain cluster, compared in size with the print of a hand (Photo by Marko Modrić) …